Besides Getting Full, What Can Go Wrong With A Septic Tank?

If you live on a property with a septic tank, then you probably know that it has to be pumped every couple of years to prevent it from becoming too packed with solid waste and sludge. However, getting full is not the only thing that can go wrong with your septic tank. It's important to be aware of other possible issues so that if they happen to you, then you can have them repaired and taken care of properly. Here are some of the other possible things that can go wrong with a septic tank.

Cracks and Crumbling

If your septic tank cracks, you would have a whole array of problems. Sewage could seep out from the bottom and sides of the tank rather than leaving through the effluent pipes, which means it will enter your yard before it's filtered and safe. This could lead to soil contamination and a risk of disease if you spend time in the yard. A crack can also allow soil to infiltrate the tank. If the soil takes up too much space, then the tank may actually overflow back up into your sewer lines. You may not be able to flush your toilets or get anything to go down the drain.

If you catch a crack early, your septic repair company might be able to repair it. With a concrete tank, they can patch it with new concrete. With a metal tank, they may need to weld a patch on. However, if the crack is too large, you might be better off just replacing the tank.

Blocked Effluent Lines

The effluent lines are the lines that come off your septic tank and direct water through the leech field. If these lines become blocked, your tank will back up. The lines can become blocked when the tank is not pumped often enough, of course, but they can also become blocked if you send too much grease down into the septic tank or if the lines collapse. Your septic professional can determine the exact cause of the blockage, but the good news is that almost all causes are easily addressed.


Another possible issue is that your septic tank can migrate. In other words, it may move upward, downward, or to the side within the soil. This is most likely to happen is you have flooding that causes the soil around your tank to shift, or if the tank was mistakenly buried in unstable soil. Your repair team can relocate and stabilize the tank if needed.

For more information, contact a residential septic tank repair service in your area.

About Me

Understanding New Septic Systems

If you grew up using a commercial sewer system and you have recently moved to a place that relies on an underground septic system, it could be a big change for you and your family. Septic systems can provide you with years of functional use, but only if they are well maintained. However, by doing what you can to make things better, you can shift things in a more positive direction and focus more seriously on retrofitting your home with great new products. On this blog, check out ways to understand and improve septic systems, and learn how to manage various aspects of your tank.



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